Friday, December 11, 2015

Let's not repeat the past

Although I agree with my classmate Michael " insight the U.S. government "on ISIS being stopped I don't think that going to war with them and attacking them like they have been attacking us and everyone else in the world is the best strategy. I'm not saying for the U.S. And everyone that has been attacked by them not do anything about it. We should fight back but war is not the answer to it. Make a treaty like our great fathers did.Have we not learned anything about ww1 and ww2 and any kind of war that we have been in? We lost so many lives, so any of our men taken captured and tortured and those that have survived coming back seen as heroes but broken inside from watching so much pain and people die that they develop PTSD. 
There's a quote by Cassandra Clare "the mortal instruments "the last book that talks about war and learning from mistakes and not going through them anymore. Growing up my dad had always told me " I don't care if you get in a fight but don't throw the first punch or the second. If someone is bugging you and pushing you let them push you let them hit you and talk to them but after that if that doesn't work then fight back." I don't expect us to live in an utopia but a world better than what we live in not thinking that war and violence is the answer to everything. But if that doesn't work then war would be the next step . 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


What does the word Rape mean? The word Rape means “unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim” according to So why is it that in this situation and in many other situations this definition and statement of rape simply doesn’t apply? The most recent rape case that has been made huge is the “FSU Official Details Favorable Treatment of Players” article where the quarterback rapes a girl in their college but it found not guilty when he did not have the consent to have sex with her.
I don’t understand why is it that men and women  think that its okay to have sex with the other person when they have not have any kind of consent. Most people think that the most common rape is by strangers when that isn't the case in a recent research (2013) it showed that the most common rape is by an intimate partner, a friend/acquaintance and the least is by stranger and other kind. So why is that? to me i think that men or women then that once someone is married to somebody they own them and have every right to be with them when ever and where ever they want like they are property when it isn't like that just because people are together by marriage or in a relationship is doesn't mean that you can have sex with them when ever you feel like it and they don't have a say in it, because that isn’t how it’s suppose to be!. I can’t stress that enough. Also the myths about “She/He was drunk and they wanted it.” Like no they didn't want it they weren't conscious enough and could think properly to say yes or no there for it is rape. Which brings me to my second case the  famous Steubenville rape case that happen in 2012. Now for those who don't know what happen in Steubenville ill explain. “ A high school girl completely wasted, hammered drunk passed out on the floor was raped by 2 football players and one of them PEED on her, people at the party were watching these 2 boys having sex with an Unconscious girl who never gave them consent the other students watching were laughing and videotaping the incident calling her “ Dead girl.” after the party the video got out the 2 students were charged with rape but only send to Juvenile Detention and set on bail , never went to jail and only have to register them selfs as Sex offenders. 1 was released in 1/5/14 and the other one this past January.” My first though is WTH because of many things 1. Why did nobody stop them 2. only JUVY and have to register as sex offenders and 3. Because they got sympathy after this incident and blamed the victim. “ WTF HAPPENED IN STEUBENVILLE?” a video that explains everything that should be understood of rape and this case. 
So why this and how does it effect the U.S national government? The answer is simple in this society the majority of rapes are done to women not men, That when a rape case as huge as any of these 2 described up top the victim always seems to be judged with “ She should’t of gotten drunk, she was asking for it, look at the way she was dressed, she provoked me, she didn't say no,” all of these excuses and some how they mostly seem to get passed thru and the rapist found not guilty. The government should find them Guilty of rape and be sentenced to jail not being able to get bailed out, and not get sympathy for something they knew what they were doing and knew the consequences we should let them walk and get sympathy. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

what i thing of our Backstabbing Government

Today I reviewed an article by Ulises Recendiz- Avila. The Backstabbing Government. The reason for me picking this article is because I strongly agree with my peer.  Im the Daughter of immigrants and almost all of my older relatives are as well, my family has never been in trouble with the law we pay taxes on time just like many more. Sure theres immigrants who break the law and turn into ragged criminals and sometimes people let them define all of us and “represent” us when that isn't the case not all of us are like that.He starts of by saying that “ for decades immigrants have been present in the United States, and they have been going through injustices all along.” The then supports his statement by saying “For example, they bring stability to our economy, and in return we negate their entrance to our country.” although I agree with his statement I wish he would of specified and given more information about this specific example. He continues by sharing his thoughts and not really putting in some facts on how to support his beliefs. I wish he would of done some research on what immigrants really are rejected by the government and some statistics as well as numbers showing us witch state hold the most immigrants ect. Earlier this week an old teacher and I were discussing a rumor that came out about if Donald Trump were to win the Presedendy elections one of the things he would do would be to take away the Citizenship of every child thats parents are immigrants. We discussed how that wouldn't be fair to those born here as well as nobody is actually from the United States the original colonist were also immigrants kicked out of Europe or just decided to leave, and when they arrived Native Americans,mayas ,Aztecas ,spanish ,and some french people already live here. Overall i side with my peer on his views about immigration,how they aren’t treated well and how bad they are neglected. To who i say it should change and the opportunity to be a citizen to those who deserve it and meet new requirements. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Why should Hillary Clinton Win.

With the 2016 Presidential Elections coming up Hillary Clinton has decided to run for president and so has Donald Trump. But in all of the years the United States has been a country there has never been a woman for President obviously. The first president was elected in 1789 being George Washington, thats 226 years of men leading the United States and not giving a women a chance. So what does that say about us ? Are we really against women leading our country? Many other countries in their time of existing have had many woman for rulers whether its as a queen or a prime minister Norway , Britain, Lithuania ect. have all been rules by females. But why not us? When will the time for a female to lead the United States come? In my opinion the time is now. Hillary Clinton is certified beyond reason, she has experience , she is offering the right things and thinking about everyone and what is best for them. Hillary Clinton has been a first lady from 1993-2001 when her husband Bill Clinton was president. She was also the Senator of New York in 2000 and the Secretary of State for Obama. Unlike trump who has no political experience he is known for being  real estate developer and business author. Although Hillary has had all this experience she is constantly being compared to her husband. And being  told that if it wasn't for the fact that she was a women she would not have a political career, why is it that she is always compared to a male and being told that “ just because she is a women she has votes “ in a way she is being told that she may have sympathy votes. It is written that she has traveled to 112 countries , attended 306 diplomatic meetings and has spend 87 full days in airplanes. Thats more than anyone in a government has spend and cared about, she is the type of person that cares about the world and about the people she is the type of person that actually listens to the public and what we want. what she offers to us is affordable health care, raise the minimum wage, she believes in equal rights, global warming and the biggest is illegal immigrants getting there citizenship if they qualify. So what are the great things that she offers. why should we pay a lot of money to go to the dentist, the hospital or doctor? if it where for us we wouldn't but in the time of need when we have to we are always in debt from it or left broke from paying all of the bills. Global warming for many years its been a joke for a while when in all honesty we are killing the planet we live in more and more each day we have horrible pollution and we keep cutting down forest and leaving animals without homes just so we can have more homes when as of right now each US citizen could have up to 7 houses so why build more? As a woman and a citizen of the US i believe that its time for some change in this country its time for a new type of leader. to put to rest the jokes of “ if a women would be a president no country would talk to each other.” In my opinion it would be better us women are know for being more responsible than men. So what does a man that wants the best for our country offer to us. He offers taking aways the citizenship of children who were born in the US that there parents are illegal immigrants. Someone who attacks the president by saying “ Not enough good games to get into Harvard Law school.” and who blames illegal immigrants for everything that happens in the US? For someone who claims he wants whats best for all of us he isn't making good job at showing it, or offering them. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

World Poverty

On October 5, 2015 Forbes released an article that was written by John C. Goodman called “Why is there global poverty?” During the article John addressed what Barack Obama once said to the United Nations delegates. While the president was speaking to the delegates he stated that about “800 million people in the world scrape by on less than $1.25 a day and billions of people are at risk of dying from preventable diseases.”  to which John wasn't happy that Obama had said that so he shared his opinion being that the public should be angry when presidents and people who push to save world poverty without doing extensive research and getting all facts as well as what economist have recently discovered. He gives us 2 charts the first one by Kruse Kronicle, and the second one that shows the worlds worst poverty. After showing us the first chart he make a reference towards Adam Smith and a book he wrote about 240 years ago titled “ An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations” the book is centered to be the beginning of economics but Smith instead of focusing on the reason of why there is poverty he asks why is their wealth? John Brings up a question towards the president asking why there are nations in the world that are so poor that they live worse than their ancestors did to which his response was “One of the best indicators of whether a country will succeed is how it treats its women and I have to say I do not have patience for the excuse of, ‘Well, we have our own ways of doing things.” The response wasn't enough for him he believes that treating women badly isn't the reason why there is so many poverty around the world. In my opinion instead of insulting everything the president had said he could of argued back with proper facts and research not just with words he believed. Although I myself do like that he addressed what Adam Smith had one said “ don't question why there is poverty but why there is wealth” is a great quote and makes perfect sense to be in this article he should of gotten more facts and contributed them into this article. I see where John is coming from how presidents and important people from the government should have the right to have an opinion on poverty considering the fact that most of them have never been poor or have to work for 7.25 an hour and still have taxes money token out of your paycheck. Because that is most of americans working around 40 hours or more for 7.25 an hour and it sucks. In my opinion there shouldn't really be any people superior in money we should all help out each other the rich have enough money to help out every homeless person in America and help countries that living on scratch that their government cant and wont help in. we shouldn’t be greedy when it comes to money because it comes and goes but kindness and the feeling of helping someone in need is the best thing there is. To me John could of separated his feeling from this article more and stop “insulting” everything Obama had to say, put in more facts about world poverty and it would of been a great article. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

To personal no Information

    On Friday October 2 2015 the USA today published an article written by Andy Parker titled “ Oregon shooting shows we are at war.” 
   All through out the article Parker stated how we are at war on weather we should take away the right of guns or keep it. In the article he hows the 2 sides of this “war” the side of the National Rifle Association and the side of the families that have lost their loved ones by shooters or anything involving guns, but he makes it personal stating that he and his wife joined the group of families who have lost their loved ones almost a month ago. After he gives us information of how many more people join in every year. All thru ought out the article he makes it to personal with also sharing his story of how he lost his daughter and only putting one side when it should of been only about facts. Although I do understand the attachment he has on this article with loosing his loved one. The article its self is written well but there is no information about what happened in Oregon and the shooting that happened at a community college, he mostly informs us about how he feels about guns. In my opinion the article would of been better if he would informed us not only about his personal experience about losing a loved one but if he also informed us of how everything that happened in Oregon, how the students felt and those who saw it happening he should of given us primary sources point of views. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Arrested for building a clock

On Wednesday September 16 2015 the Americablog published an article titled: Muslim student arrested, suspended after school assumes his homemade clock is a bomb. Ahmed Mohamed who is from Texas was arrested and suspended for taking to school a homemade clock to show his teacher but other faculty believed it looked like a bomb and was trying to blow them up. The article opens up with the statement "America: Not racist, but making a habit of being pretty racist."  In this situation were they accuse an adolescent for being a terrorist because he took a homemade clock to school and showed his teacher, and not to mention were a police officer had never meet him and with just seeing him once he replied with " yes that's him " only because Ahmed has colored brown skin and is a Muslim points out how racist that was of him and how the statement has truth to it. The article points out multiple times how his clock did not in fact look anything like a bomb and show pictures of it yet police officers and the school accused him of being a " terrorist." and putting them in danger.When Ahmed is being interrogated he is asked "If he was trying to build a bomb" to were he replies " No i was trying to make a clock."  At the end of the " confusion " The school sends letters to all the parents explaining the " incident" that had occurred today blaming Ahmed for the whole incident and  how they should read over the student code of conduct and to not take things that are prohibit to school. So whats the saddest part of this whole article were and adolescent was blamed for being a terrorist , the part where a police officer who had never meet him in his life automatically blamed him because of the way he looks and his religion , where the school blamed Ahmed for the whole incident and "shamed " him for his intelligence or that fact that we need more intelligent people like Ahmed a 9th grader who was in his Robotics club in middle school and made the clock around 20 minuets when it would take other people hours, days or even weeks to make a clock like his. The answer is EVERYTHING all that happened that day around Ahmed and to him should not happen. We say america is not about racism that the era for that is gone but the truth is that it's not , people still are racist towards others weather it be because of there skin color , there religion or where they are from. Politicians says that we need to discover more potential intelligence that we have to offer but yet when they find it this happens instead of being awarded and recognized for it he was arrested and suspended. so the question is what does that say about America?