Wednesday, November 25, 2015


What does the word Rape mean? The word Rape means “unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim” according to So why is it that in this situation and in many other situations this definition and statement of rape simply doesn’t apply? The most recent rape case that has been made huge is the “FSU Official Details Favorable Treatment of Players” article where the quarterback rapes a girl in their college but it found not guilty when he did not have the consent to have sex with her.
I don’t understand why is it that men and women  think that its okay to have sex with the other person when they have not have any kind of consent. Most people think that the most common rape is by strangers when that isn't the case in a recent research (2013) it showed that the most common rape is by an intimate partner, a friend/acquaintance and the least is by stranger and other kind. So why is that? to me i think that men or women then that once someone is married to somebody they own them and have every right to be with them when ever and where ever they want like they are property when it isn't like that just because people are together by marriage or in a relationship is doesn't mean that you can have sex with them when ever you feel like it and they don't have a say in it, because that isn’t how it’s suppose to be!. I can’t stress that enough. Also the myths about “She/He was drunk and they wanted it.” Like no they didn't want it they weren't conscious enough and could think properly to say yes or no there for it is rape. Which brings me to my second case the  famous Steubenville rape case that happen in 2012. Now for those who don't know what happen in Steubenville ill explain. “ A high school girl completely wasted, hammered drunk passed out on the floor was raped by 2 football players and one of them PEED on her, people at the party were watching these 2 boys having sex with an Unconscious girl who never gave them consent the other students watching were laughing and videotaping the incident calling her “ Dead girl.” after the party the video got out the 2 students were charged with rape but only send to Juvenile Detention and set on bail , never went to jail and only have to register them selfs as Sex offenders. 1 was released in 1/5/14 and the other one this past January.” My first though is WTH because of many things 1. Why did nobody stop them 2. only JUVY and have to register as sex offenders and 3. Because they got sympathy after this incident and blamed the victim. “ WTF HAPPENED IN STEUBENVILLE?” a video that explains everything that should be understood of rape and this case. 
So why this and how does it effect the U.S national government? The answer is simple in this society the majority of rapes are done to women not men, That when a rape case as huge as any of these 2 described up top the victim always seems to be judged with “ She should’t of gotten drunk, she was asking for it, look at the way she was dressed, she provoked me, she didn't say no,” all of these excuses and some how they mostly seem to get passed thru and the rapist found not guilty. The government should find them Guilty of rape and be sentenced to jail not being able to get bailed out, and not get sympathy for something they knew what they were doing and knew the consequences we should let them walk and get sympathy. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

what i thing of our Backstabbing Government

Today I reviewed an article by Ulises Recendiz- Avila. The Backstabbing Government. The reason for me picking this article is because I strongly agree with my peer.  Im the Daughter of immigrants and almost all of my older relatives are as well, my family has never been in trouble with the law we pay taxes on time just like many more. Sure theres immigrants who break the law and turn into ragged criminals and sometimes people let them define all of us and “represent” us when that isn't the case not all of us are like that.He starts of by saying that “ for decades immigrants have been present in the United States, and they have been going through injustices all along.” The then supports his statement by saying “For example, they bring stability to our economy, and in return we negate their entrance to our country.” although I agree with his statement I wish he would of specified and given more information about this specific example. He continues by sharing his thoughts and not really putting in some facts on how to support his beliefs. I wish he would of done some research on what immigrants really are rejected by the government and some statistics as well as numbers showing us witch state hold the most immigrants ect. Earlier this week an old teacher and I were discussing a rumor that came out about if Donald Trump were to win the Presedendy elections one of the things he would do would be to take away the Citizenship of every child thats parents are immigrants. We discussed how that wouldn't be fair to those born here as well as nobody is actually from the United States the original colonist were also immigrants kicked out of Europe or just decided to leave, and when they arrived Native Americans,mayas ,Aztecas ,spanish ,and some french people already live here. Overall i side with my peer on his views about immigration,how they aren’t treated well and how bad they are neglected. To who i say it should change and the opportunity to be a citizen to those who deserve it and meet new requirements.